After a man in a lake signalled for help, instinct took over for 15-year-old hero as she hurried to save his life.  

On 29 July 2024, Eleanor (Ellie) Palfrey-Evans was holidaying in Switzerland with her godmother in a lake in Oeschinensee when her lifesaving skills were soon called upon. 

Ellie had been swimming in a lake and had just got out when she noticed a man flapping his arms up and down. She quickly recognised the man was someone she had spoken to earlier, and he’d been asking her how deep the lake was, as he and his friends couldn’t swim. She immediately recognised the signs that he was in trouble and out of his depth, as he struggled to float.  

With 20 or so people on the bank watching, Ellie took the initiative to help and swam over to him, taking his hand and told him to keep calm. Those vital few seconds of reassurance allowed him to stay afloat – despite being more than twice Ellie’s size and his weight on her hand making it difficult for her to stay afloat. Determined, Ellie continued to pull him to where he could stand before another man got in the water to help pull him to safety. 

Within seconds, the man was safe and very grateful to Ellie and the other man for saving his life! 

With three years at Bracknell Lifesaving Club, Ellie has already completed her Pool Bronze Medallion – and it’s great to see her skills coming into use as she saved a life. RLSS UK Instructor at Bracknell Lifesaving Club, Justin Mann, presented Ellie with her deserving Everyday Heroes certificate – a very big well done to you Ellie! 

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