After a 16-year-old girl collapsed in the bowls hall at Bletchley Leisure Centre, it wasn’t long before lifeguards, Oliwia Sliwka, Oliver Cook and James Cook rushed to the scene. 

After doing a quick assessment, they saw she was not breathing and quickly commenced CPR which lasted for a total of 20 minutes, as well as using an Automated External Defibrillator and calling emergency services.

After the ambulance and HEMS crews arrived and got the girl to safety, they were highly impressed with the standard of care provided by the three staff members – even remarking that it was one of the best emergency responses they had seen.

It was no doubt the team’s quick, calm and efficient response gave the teenager the best chance until emergency services arrived on the scene. Thanks to heroes, Oliver, Oliwia and James, the young girl made a full recovery. 

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